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Sunday, March 15, 2009

Yesterday I went to east coast again. This time however I went alone. so I packed up my bag, turned on my music as I always do and I begin to cycle like nothing on nothing I had ever done before. This time I cycled and fully enjoyed my music and I broke my previous record by a huge margin at that. I reached the terminal opposite pulau tekong and It took me 1 hour 45 minuts plus a lot of sweat. Since I can now cycle free hand I brought my camera along and i could even take photos with noth hands while cycling. woohoo! yup so after that I cycled back and then I walked over to a quieter part of the beach. sat there for about 45 mins and then as thinking through many stuff including xx when the best thing happened: xx smsed me, I almost could not comprehend what had just happened! although we chatted for only about 10 mins, it had already made my day.
I guess perhaps life really is awesome if you learn to look on the bright side. yea then I met my family and we ate a scrumptious dinner together which we haven done so in a long time.

Yesterday I experienced simple pleasures but together, they made yesterday a great day!

U know at that moment i was so happy,
I just could not believe it. Perhaps heaven was watching me,
and decided to cheer me up.
How I wish we could continue to chat like that. forever.

Blogged @ 4:45 PM
I miss Her -

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Day 4

Days after what happened, I am still affected. Words cant describe how I feel. heaven isn't fair, why can it be so cruel to let something like that to happen to someone. Our world has darkened, the light taken out of it. Please please please let her be okay. I beg of you. I feel guilty. I should have ran faster, should have been more alert, should have found you faster. I could have prevented it. But i didn't.

'Please be okay.'
'I want to know. I need to know'

'Every now and then,
I ask myself,"should I ?" '

Blogged @ 8:41 PM
I miss Her -

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

DAY 3,
On the 8th of march 2009, something drastic happened in my life. My life took a deep plunge. It is something private and I do not think I should I should reveal what happened. However I am still traumatized by what happened. All the while, I always assumed stuff like this could only have existed and occur in dramas but that day I was proven wrong. It is only when one is at a loss will one feel the chilling realization that something real has happened. The scenes keep repeating. Still so vivid. Still so spine chilling. Still so heart breaking.

I want to help but I feel so helpless and saddened.
'I am sorry. I could do nothing but stand there and watch.'
'I wanted to help. I really did'

Now is the time when I really need you.
Someone to make me smile.

Blogged @ 8:07 PM
I miss Her -

Saturday, March 7, 2009

Been mugging for a while now and I guessed it was time to take a well deserved break(well at least a short one). After HCL remedial in the auditorium today, me and wei kit went to east coast. I had actrually planned to go alone but then it struck me that being by myself would be a really sad thing. Yea so. When we reached there we were hungry. I had the urge to go eat mcdonalds but then well a thought struck me and I decided to make do with cup noodles from 7-11.

'Sometimes its the simple things that make a person happy'

Yup, so shortly after eating we rented the bikes. Up till now, the furthest I had ever travelled was the place where we had our sec 2 camp and a bit further ahead. This time my mind and heart both told me to cycle further and so I did. I n the end we managed to cycle all the way to nearly the end of the runway. At that point we stopped and I really felt quite happy that we got so far.

'When there's a will, there's a way'

After that brief moment of happiness not thinking about anything, I told myself that the fact that I had cycled so far was good enough and it was time to head back.Along the way, I even managed to master free hand cycling! Nothinng significant happens after the cycle but it rained for one.
Perhaps I thought it was a bad thing but right now I kind of think differently. The clouds were beautiful and if not for the rain, perhaps I would be seating in burger king writing this.

Now as I am heading back home, I think it is time for me to once again start and regain my enthusiasm in life. Right let's Start!


What my friend said was true,
Perhaps he was teasing me,
But at that moment,
My heart longed so much for you to be beside me.
My heart saddened as I saw planes flew by,
like how You brush past me time and again.

Blogged @ 9:08 PM
I miss Her -

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Today's post and all other post from now on will be different.
Not sure what words can describe what I feel now. Ms Thian told us one phrase today and I believe it to be very meaningful.
If it is not now, it is never.
Hmm, not sure how I feel about these words but I definitely feel something. Spent the past few days thinking and deep down I was truely miserable and sad. However this feelings I had inside could not be exposed for others to see because I know that even if I were to grumble even once, I would have been rejected by society and left to fend for myself.
' No Man are born better than others' I want to believe in that.Then why is it that even though I work harder and try harder than the rest, I end up faring worse when comared to others who put in much less.Really I don't know. I guess that the answer is that this worrld I live in is never fair and that the only possible solution I can think of?

Work harder.
Yes, humans are never satisfied. What god has given to us, we humans have abused it, twisted it and utterly destoyed it.As a human I am too subjected to this basic fundemantal of mankind. I have dissatisfaction. I am not satisfied with how I am treated, not satisfied with my results and most importantly, I am not satisfied with my life.

Regonition was given to me but why then even if my heart were to smile, it crys at the same time. Does gainning regonition really mean that my hardwork has paid off or does it really mean that I was always at the bottom to start with and have only just moved up to join the ranks of majority?

*SIGH. I guess my post today seems that wee bit long, so gona end it here.

My heart bled for you. Why do I lose everything dear to me?

Blogged @ 8:01 PM
I miss Her -

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

All that I worked for has come down to nothing.
Why?May I ask?
Though some happy things may have happened but they pail in comparison to the big picture.
So wat if I was given recognition, in order for the rest to know or for me to know how much a loser I was.
A failure. A loser. tats what it all boils down to doesn't it.

Right now is the time I need comfort but I am left alone all by myself.
No one is here to help me. All i just need is for you to just say hello and I will smile.

Blogged @ 8:35 PM
I miss Her -

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

I failed. Both a maths and e maths.
ran yesterday was the first time in days where i really felt relaxed. where i felt free.
hm i will think of wat to post and then come back here.

Why is life so hard for me? why despite all that i try, i fail in the end. why?
I did all i could for you, yet all i could do was to stand at a corner and look at you.
I guess i am on my one.

Blogged @ 5:01 AM
I miss Her -